Tattoo Quarantine
On lock down for over a week now and personally, I am getting along ok, while I see countless others are not. Please share your story here and lets work together and grow during this unprecedented time of quarantine.
…I had a serious sore throat from the last show a couple weeks ago where I wore out my voice. Great Show btw…The First New England Tattoo Expo… I am still reeling from the experience. We spoke with over 300 guests individually and that much talking did a number on my voice; by day three I was raspy as hell… I didn’t rest enough I guess and after a few days of getting better, I got worse…way worse where I was convinced I got Corona’d. It was agonizing to swallow…gay jokes aside…it sucked! I am better today…finally…but I’m not taking any chances….no talking for another week at least…I am relieved I got better and no other symptoms arose… there may have been some psychosomatic symptoms mixed in for good measure…like super achy and chill…kept checking for fever…thank God there was none…
Keeping busy…I am working on designing a logo for “Tattooed City,” our re-branding name formerly Heart N Soul Studio and I found some inspiration from an illustrator and typographic artist, Tobias Hall. I like the “Thank You” lettering and I am working my own version based on his classic scroll/block/3D- example. I have some sketches so far…like the stuff I do while on hold with the countless debtors I have been calling to push off payments a couple months…those lines are all locked up…anyway…staying busy and positive here…do what you can and design some cool new tattoos…
Tattooed City may be locked down, but we’re not locked out!